5 Ways to Make a New Space Feel like Home

Become more comfortable in your new home with these simple tips and tricks



Moving into a new place is an exciting time. You’re starting a new chapter in your life. Everything is new and fresh and you can’t wait to explore all the possibilities. And it really is a big moment — after all, your home is where you’ll spend most of your time, so it’s important to choose somewhere that you love and feel comfortable in. No matter how excited you are to be taking this step, it’s completely normal to feel unsettled in your new home at first. It can take a while to adjust to all the changes and settle in. For some people, it may only take a few days, while for others, it could take a few weeks. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to instantly feel at home in your new space.

  1. Surround Yourself with Things that Hold Meaning

Home isn’t just a place, it’s a feeling. What feels like home to you? Maybe it’s a family photo that reminds you of a special moment, or a treasured tapestry you’ve always hung above your bed. Surrounding yourself with things that you love will, inspire you and make you feel good.

2. Get Rid of the Things that Don’t

It’s no secret that decluttering your space has an incredible effect on your wellbeing. There are endless books out there boasting this important message. In Marie Kondo’s book ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing’, she writes that the best way to choose what to keep and what to throw away is to take each item in your hand and ask “does this spark joy?’ If it does, keep it. If not, you can throw it out or donate it. When you declutter, you’re not just getting rid of physical objects; you’re also letting go of emotional baggage. Holding on to things you don’t need can be a way of hanging onto past memories or experiences that you’re ready to let go of. By decluttering your space, you can make room for the new experiences and memories that are waiting to come in. Decluttering your space may be just what you need to begin your homesharing journey feeling refreshed and ready for what’s to come!

3. Buy Yourself Flowers

Celebrating a new beginning with flowers is a wonderful way to show yourself some self-love. There is something immensely satisfying about buying your own flowers. Walking into a store and picking out your favourite bouquet is a simple pleasure that is often overlooked. Adding this personal touch can help to make the space feel cozier and more inviting. They also have the ability to boost your mood and relieve stress, so they are the perfect addition to any new home. Not only will you love coming home to your beautiful bouquet, but you will also find yourself feeling happier and more relaxed in your new space. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get those peonies. Or petunias. Sunflowers? The choice is yours.

4. Set an Intention for the Space

When you move into a new space, it can be helpful to set an intention for how you want to experience it. Do you want to feel energized and motivated when you walk into the room? Or calm and relaxed? Perhaps you want to feel creative and inspired. Whatever it is, setting your purpose can help to set the tone for your home. Consider what it is that you want to feel in your new space. The more clear and concise it is, the more likely you are to manifest it. So take a moment, close your eyes, and set an intention. You may be surprised at what happens. If you’re living with a roommate, you might want to do this together! A great first intention to set is on how you’d like to live better together.

5. Go Beyond and Explore

Once you move in, take some time to explore the community you live in. Familiarize yourself with the closest parks, restaurants and fun venues in the area. Talk to your neighbours, and get to know them! The more you engage with your new community, the quicker you will feel comfortable in your new space. When you come back home at the end of the day, you’ll feel a deeper connection to your new home.

Written by Yasmine Haik



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Sparrow is a social enterprise that envisions a world where people live better together.